Sunday 8 March 2009

Goodbye Weekend! Hello Monday!!!

This week has been quite a week......i had been sick with the cold and stuffed up nose without being able to take anything for it. that was hard!!GAH!!!
Then on top of that, i had to be busying myself with packing up stuff for the impending house move which now looks like it may be postponed by a couple of weeks......due to the flooring not being able to be done before then.....hopefully they will have it done in a couple of i will find out more fixed and firm details about when we are going to move by tomorrow.......*fingers crossed* it all goes well!
This past week i had also gone out with some girlfriends for a movie. We had gone to watch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I had been forewarned that it will be a long movie...and indeed it was....we went for the 7.45 pm show and it did not finish until about 10.45 pm. Gosh! Were we all shattered by then...all i could do was drive myself home and then climb into bed........
Anyways, the movie was pretty interesting........we said 'at least it kept us awake' despite being extremely tired towards the end......;)
Then the weekend was spent doing more packing up....DH was doing most of the work on the for some weird reason or another when Saturday rolls on, i get super exhausted and tired and unable to do anything.......;) So i rest most of saturday.......

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