Today was probably one of the first times that i have felt pregnant....i think i am beginning to get the morning sickness syndrome......i hope that this wont last for long.....all day today have been yucky.......the feeling of nausea has not yet left me...the good thing is that i am still able to eat....the only problem is keeping it time of logging this down i just had another wave of nausea sweep by...nothing coming out...which is good...but the feeling is just i know how my pregnant girlfriend feels when she told me she felt very nauseated last week....that's how i feel today......
Well, this all started yesterday when i had some vanilla milkshake and apparently that did not jive well with my stomach......and out it all came after coming home from picking Miks from school.........thereafter i did not feel any better.....managing only very little dinner.....and then of course feeling really hungry late in the night.......then it did not get any better this morning coz i threw up part of my breakfast again today...which is not good........really dont hope this stays.....praying that it will go away sooner rather than's odd, coz i never remember feeling like that with Miks......must be a really different child someone tells me......we shall see.......
Last night was really funny....coz since i ate so little dinner, by around 10.30pm which is bedtime i thought to myself and told hubbie that i was hungry.....he suggests that i get something to being me i thought i could drink water and it shall all pass.....forgetting that i was preggie for that short while........however, about 1/2 hours later, i turn to hubbie who at this point was in bed with me and said " I cant sleep! I need FOOD!!!!" so off i went to get food.....which was a brilliant idea......had some bread with butter and peanut butter....YUM!!! Pure satisfaction.....something that i dont feel sick eating......then hubbie turns around and looks at me and starts to giggle....i turned to him and said, "dont you dare laugh....this is in no way funny!!!!" Turned my back and went to much for feeling sick.......however again, i could not sleep.....due to having slept for about 3 hours earlier in the day yesterday....last nite became a nitemare........hardly any, today i told not going to nap in the day time...let's hope i sleep tonite!!!
Ooh May - congrats! That's great news. I hope the nausea goes away soon.