Saturday, 21 February 2009

A Saturday of some sort of cleaning

ah.....managed to lie in again this morning before having to get up to get things done.

It was not too bad wise, it was raining in the morning then the sun showed up after and that was really nice....the only thing was, we enjoyed it only from the inside of our home......i had been busy trying to sort out stuff and clear things out......stuff to throw, stuff to charity and stuff to pack on top of that i had loads of laundry calling my name!!!!
With our house move being quite near, i think it is about time we started getting things done......what i really need is a get me organised and systematic and not problematic.......especially when it comes to Mik's things, i have to have very little sympathy for them and toss them out......else we will be collecting junk yet again!!! I am determined not to be bringing junk over the new place, despite the fact that she will be getting a fairly larger room! The new rule for her at the new place would be to have everything of hers outside of the living room and in her bedroom!!!! Have yet to inform her of the new rule...but i shall be more than glad to implement that rule!!!!As for myself, the rule will be not to keep too many papers and magazines that can be tossed out......i think my study in the new place might just be to open for everyone since i might take the room downstairs for a study.......We shall see.......

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