Thursday, 23 June 2011

Busy week

Another busy week for me leading up to the school holidays... so much going on!!!
Today Mikayla had roman day at school and she went to school dressed in a roman toga... did all things roman and ate some roman foods... one of which she said was roman door mouse?? She was sure that it was actually a mouse that tastes like chicken... i suspect it really was just chicken... hehehe... too bad i forgot to take a picture of her this morning before she headed off to school.. might get her to replicate the toga again just for the pictures....
on top of that, the funniest thing happened today.... Max saw a spider and got really scared..... it was at a friend's house... Mikayla and Max were in the conservatory when the tiny house spider appeared... he came running to me in the living room saying 'pider, pider...' mommy, pider.... at first i thought what was he talking about... then i figured out spider... it is the time of the year when spiders come out of their hiding places... and roam the homes.... so Max was actually trying to get me to come and see and remove the spider but i instead said to him... go on and play.. you will be fine.... so off he went.. apparently he stood by the conservatory door for a bit before going back in to see Mikayla.. when he did go in... he was saying to Mikayla... 'pider pider'... shortly afterwards, i heard his cries from the living room and then i decided to go and check it out.. the sight i saw was such a cute sight.. Max was hanging on to Mikayla for his dear life refusing to step his feet down to the floor for the fear of the spider which by now was long gone..... he saw my friend and I and he decided to cling to me instead.. i brought him closer to where the spider was and boy his shrieks got louder! Too bad i did not have a camera handy to film it all...  but i had to convince him to look down and see that there was no more spider on the floor.. finally he did look and saw no spiders... he said 'uh oh' where? pider gone? So i assured him that the spider was gone and he finally came back down to the floor to walk again.... both my friend and I thought that it was quite hilarious the way he hung on for his dear life over a small tiny spider just about the size of his fingernail... hehehehe!!

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